Twenty years from now I'll be 34 years old and I guess I'll get a fresh start. I'll be married at the age 20 to a RICH gorgeous guy and have my first kid at age 21, and name her Terralee. At age 22 I'll become a dancer. At age 24 I'll move to California. That same year I'll have twins named Crystal and Chris. At age 26 and 27 I'll be working at Disneyland.
Between the ages 28 and 29 I will win the lottery and buy a mansion.At age 30 and 31 I'll be a singer. At age 32 I will go to Florida. At age 33 I will visit Steven Nicholl in Hawaii. At the age 34 I will go back to Canada and visit my friends and family in Winnipeg.
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Hi! my name is Marlene Wright and I'm 13 years old. I go to Marigold School and I'm in Gr.7. My favorite hobbies are: drawing rainbows and dancing to music. My sign is Capricorn. My favorite food is spaghetti and pizza. My hair color is brown and so is my eyes. I weigh 70 pounds.
I'm from Winnipeg. I love swimming and roller skating. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I also have two nieces and 2 nephews. My nephew is 6 and his name is T.J. and one of my nieces is 4 and her name is Bobby ,and the other one is 6 and her name is Mandy. My favorite rock stars are: Madonna, Cyndi Lauper , and Cutting Crew. Some of my friends are: Melissa, Anne, Chandra, Zail and April. My favorite subjects are: Reading and Spelling. My favorite T.V. shows are: Moonlighting, Three's Company, Family Ties and Growing pains.